About ten days ago I flew back to the UK. It was proving impossible to find a decent job in Spain given the political climate in the US that is impacting on the business sector I have worked in for the last five years. I have reluctantly left Laura with my friend Ken but she'll be flying here soon. I have had a few interviews and am waiting to hear if there are any positive results. I'm not really keen on anything I've found yet, but I've never really looked at work as something to enjoy, it's just what you've got to do to enable life.
I am very grateful to my friends who have really pulled for me recently, Ken, Dave and Amanda are all helping. It's hard not to feel a little dispondant, but I know something will turn up soon.
I'm looking forward to getting back on a motorcycle after a year out of the saddle and looking forward to seeing my wonderful soon-to-be-wife at the airport later in the week.