Festive Greetings!
Christmas, not just a time for uber-shopping, as you can read in the reflective and somewhat spiritual Xmas post from my archive here. It is also a time when people that believe in ancient fairy tales celebrate the birth of a Palestinian political agitator that had his birthday moved to coincide with the Roman festival of Sol Invictus.
Fortunately for all those that live within it, Western Europe seems to have lost interest in all this mumbo-jumbo and no longer needs the threats and promises of archaic Semitic campfire ghost stories to cajole us into behaving. Of course, if your personal morality needs a little bolstering or you draw comfort from that not-being alone in the universe feeling that religion provides that's fine too. Or it is as long as you are not in a position to spend my tax money or start wars. Of course if Tony Blair (Bliar?) had said "I am a lying self delusional bastard with an imaginary friend in the sky that enables me to auto-justify anything I f***ing want to without recourse to parliament, the electorate or my conscience." then I guess we wouldn't have had him as Priminister for so long.
So it just goes to show, honesty really is the best policy, if either he or his sniveling worm-tongued spin-liar Alistair Campbell had been, we may not have suffered him this long. Still, at least now we are in the safe hands of Gordon Brown. Or maybe not. Nope it looks like we have another idiot with an imaginary friend in the top job, of course really he's been screwing it up for a long time, but now he's starting to get the credit for it.
Anyway, enough of that! Happy Xmas
Jesus, he's not just for Xmas you know!