Saturday, February 11, 2006

Feet semi-firmly plated in Ontario...
A week back at work and in just the one country, has not quite given me enough time to relax and my project at work is pressing so the weekend will be a short one (again). Time in Costa Rica, whether a working day or a weekend is like being on vacation. Time back in Toronto feels like day after day of Mondays. Still, another two weeks and I'll be back home again.

Nothing eventful has occurred, all barring a series of angry phone calls to my mobile phone service provider, who are the most unimaginably inefficient and incompetent bunch of semi-numerate and proffesionally useless cretins I have ever had the misfortune to deal with. During one conversation with them, they put me on hold, their phone system plays music while you wait and the track that was playing was by Thievery Corporation. There has never been a more appropriate listen while your life ebbs away number ever.

It's not big and it's not clever! Do these people walk around thinking to themselves "Too many people are taking me seriously, my life would be so much better if the public at large regarded me as an idiot instead of just the people that know me personally."


Cathy said...

IS it the cold, I wonder, that makes TO feel like a week of Mondays? I need to go somewhere warm.

Lovely photo, my friend.
Don't work too hard.

Jase said...

Hi Cathy,Its not that it's cold, it's just that ones friends are closer in CR. Although I have spent more time in Canada than I have in CR in the last 4 months, I have a bunch of friends that I socialise with in CR. I spend more time with you than I do with anyone else in Canada and we have never met in person.

much love,


Jase said...

Cathy..also... did you see the post before this one, it has a sort of socio political theme, these normally fire you up a bit.


Cathy said...

Yes, I'd missed it; thanks for letting me know...
Fired up in the middle of a snow storm here and trying to get some work done...

Anonymous said...

Hi mate,
You've posted loads since I was last here. Good work. Glad you enjoyed the rugby! I watched that game in a pub in Richmond. After Wales' jammy 2point win last year all the Welsh fans were so buoyant before the game, I felt quite sad for them as the game progressed and their team's dreams were left in ruins, and their tears progressively diluted their lager. Still a massive English win cheered me up or was it the 5pints of guinness it was hard to tell.

Hope all is well in Canada, its starting to warm up a bit in London. though I hear NYC has had a bit of snow...
Take care

Stephanie said...

My hope is that day after day of Mondays will just get me to many Saturdays in a row. Nothing eventful has has occurred here either.

Jase said...

Hi Tim, Yes the weather in NYC has taken a bit of a downturn. I thought Italy played well on Saturday, more of that in a bit.

Stephanie, I hope that all your Mondays are Saturdays.