Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Evelyn and I had a very big and very serious chat about how much I don't like changing poopy daipers last night and she asked if it would make me happy if she used a potty. I advised her that it would make me very happy indeed and she had a practice while I read her her bedtime story.
This morning I sat her on her potty this morning while she watched TV and I went into the kitchen for a cup of java. About 5 minutes later she told me she had had a weewee in her potty and profferred the potty with contents as a sign of proof. There it was a little yelloow puddle in her pink potty. This is a first! I am so happy, this is the beginning of the end of what must have been tonnes of smelly landfill and morning change gag reflexes. Soon she won't be pissing and pooping everywhere like a Labour government Chancellor and life will be a paradise filled with the music of flushing toilets.

On another note I woke up this morning feeling somewhat slow and disconnected. After much rumination I concluded that aliens had landed on my terrace dressed as the Blendtec man and extracted my brain through a syringe with a long tube on the end and that after examination they put it through the standard procedure and squirted it back into my head through the other ear. Then I remembered that I had started my new job.

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