Sunday, August 07, 2005

History and the News
I expect you have heard the phrase 'Everyone remembers where they were when Kennedy was shot'. Well, a moment of the same gravitas is upon you. Last night while Maria was sleeping, she got here about 24 hours late and was tired, I was up watching episodes of the absolutely fantastic ITV Poirot series on my PC. I absolutely love the set design, screenplay and the other worldly innocence of it all. A became suddenly hungry and not wishing to interrupt too much Poirot time I headed off to the kitchen. A moment of inspiration hit me, I imagine in much the same way as it hit Archimedes in the bath, a few seconds later i had put a spicy Jeera poppadom in the microwave for a minute and a half ( the type you can buy uncooked at your local supermarket or Indian food shop). While it was cooking I grated a little cheese which I sprinkled on to the poppadom before putting it back into the microwave for another few seconds. Then out onto a plate a dash of Tabasco and there I had it, a snack fit for a Rajah!

I have obviously been living in a cave (in Spain) as I had never heard of the Guerilla artist Banksy until his superb planting of a spoof cave painting of a caveman pushing a supermarket trolley in the British museum. I was also
Ď‹ber impressed by his recent paintings on that abominable wall the Israelis have erected.

My Photography
Well Hertwig has finally sorted the problems with my gallery pages so you will be able to look at my snaps on Phoice. I managed with the help of a friend of mine in the US to get a paid for copy of Paint Shop Pro 9. I am spending a lot of time retouching photos and learning new techniques and feel my work is coming on well.

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