Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year
It's been a quiet and wild few days, but I'll save telling you for when I'm back in Toronto, hiding from the cold in my apartment. It's New Year's Eve, my friends and family across the ocean will soon be putting head to pillow, if they haven't already. Faces and thoughts are flashing through my mind and I am missing home. I am not sure where home is. Where the heart is? Mine is spread out so far, I no longer know. To an inveterate nest builder, such as myself, this is particularly galling. I am ever hopeful, but sometimes I think that this has been my undoing. My greatest fear at this very moment is that my sentiments will be the same another year on and I will be another year older.

Sometimes I smile and think of the lyrics to A Wanderin' Star, reflecting that rather than a curse, if that is what life has in store for me, then I should get to enjoy it. But I have felt the need to settle down for many years and not managed it successfully yet and explore too, but exploring is less fun on your own, although I have learnt to enjoy it.

However, the night is young and I can fake it! At least for a little while! So I'm going to shower, get my glad rags on, go out and be gorgeous. Apparently I look even better after a few drinks.
So, ever the optimist and fully able to ply myself with enough compliments that a half-cut me will believe me. I'm going go out and see if I can find someone to share my self delusion.

I would like to wish, you all, my family, friends, colleagues, associates and strangers a very Happy New Year. I hope with all my heart it brings you, peace, health, prosperity and serenity.



Anonymous said...

Gracias, Jake:)
Eres una persona muy especial:)
Cuidate y sigue adelante con tus proyectos!
Inshallah, que se cumplan tus deseos!!!
un abrazo:)

Jase said...

Gracias Olga, eres especial tambien. Que tengas un buen 2006 con salud y prosperidad para ti y tu familia.

Cathy said...

I hope you had a great night out and that 2006 is good to you and everyone that is important to you. Do we ever stop wishing for something we don't have? Feeling satisfied with where we're at in life is so elusive. Contentment. My wish for you, my friend.

Jase said...

Thank you Cathy, it is probably the only thing I'd really like to have and the only thing that only I can give me. Your your thoughts mean a lot to me.

Joe said...

Jason, your blog has been hijacked by people pretending you´re special and that they´re your friends. I´d report it to blogspot if I were you.

Happy new year.

Cathy said...

For me, this is waht blogging is all about; making real friendships and being supportive of people as much as we can, while getting our feelings and emotions out there. Joe, I can pretend that you're special, if you like ;)

Anonymous said...

Darling Jase~
Happy 2006...I wish you the very best.
aka Your Favorite Ex

Jase said...

Cathy, just so as you know, you are my first blog-pal and as such, a revelation, I feel a personal bond and care about the things you say. This is a strange sensation as, as bloggers, we are really diary voyeurs. You are a very bright light, that shines broad and lifts those you touch with your caring.

Joe, as Cathy rightly points out, you are special alright! Stop getting yourself into dodgy situations in South America! I care about you too (in an awkward not going to show it sort of way).

Karyn, you will never be an Ex. You will always be a current, but the nature of your currency has and will change. As it has in this life and as it will in the next. Much love to you, your darling daughter and your wonderful husband.

Cathy said...

Firsts in everything are always important and remembered. First kiss, first girlfriend, first sex, well on and on. You are also a bright light; first blogfriend.

Jase said...

Thank you Cathy, they say it's the thought that counts, and that you find enough time for the thoughts you share counts a lot.

Cathy said...

Same here! I love your thoughtful thoughts as well. Have a great day, luv.