Sunday, January 15, 2006

Harry Pothead

I can't stand this effeminate, smug mummy's boy! I'd like to see him try it on with Artemis Fowl!

Ahh..... the Nimbus 2000 broomstick, how many have watched the movie and wished they too could own one and now a toy that mum can enjoy too. Only another few sequels and Hermione Granger will be on one of these babies.....

Fortunately they are still available on ebay for the eighteen to fifty eight year old lady that has everything.


Cathy said...

I have not read a single pothead book nor seen any of the movies. I must be the only person on the planet that hasn't. I just don't get it. I tried to read the first one but couldn't keep going. Hope you're having a nice Sunday.

Jase said...

Hi Cathy,
Me too, I got about 3 pages in and my brain started implode.

Sunday is good, I'm not at work! Hope you're having a nice day.

Cathy said...

So that makes two of us on the planet:)

My day was great; skating and a wonderful lunch out with my son and a trip to the bookstore. Random, enjoyable things.
Have a great Monday.
Don't work too hard, mate.
(Have I recommended Stephanie's blog to you yet?;)

Jase said...

What books did you buy?

Cathy said...

It was a children's bookstore, so we bought a "Mister" book (Mister Rush), if you know the series. And a Dora the Explorer book (you probably don't know this one, but the girl has a cool mother who's an archeologist and they go on a dig)...
Sorry there's nothing there I can recommend for your reading pleasure!
Hope you're having a good Monday.

Cathy said...

My blog is down; soemthing is going on with it. I sent their techies an e-mail, but god knows....

Jase said...

That's not good, you are welcome to a guest spot on mine, I could make you an administrator or whatever its called? V worrying though. For reasons I cannot explain I was wondering about how to back-up my blog in the shower this morning. I get a lot of e-mails from people I know about their thoughts although most of them are not bloggers and don't comment, it would be bad in the extreme if I lost it. Let me know what you'd like to do. Good luck and hugs! I'm sure it will work out.

Cathy said...

Your karma was good; it is up and working again, thanks for the offer :)
Hugs to you.

Carlos Guzman said...
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Carlos Guzman said...

I have to say I haven't even bothered to watch any of those Harry "Pothead" movies, no matter how many times my friends have told me it's a "must watch" (what are they thinking??)

Again, nice blog!

Jase said...

Carlos: Thanks for saying so.

Cathy: Phew, that was a worry.